Moving from the Global to the Local: Co-creation for Humanitarian Energy

Moving from the Global to the Local - Co-creation for Humanitarian Energy
Public lectures / seminars

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Thursday 02 September 2021

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Zoom (registration required to be sent joining instructions)




This event forms part of Coventry University & HEED's three-part live webinar series and coffee mornings, which are designed to challenge and engage multi-level actor’s central to solving the humanitarian energy access challenge.


In the first webinar, we explore state-of-the-art concepts of co-creation in the humanitarian energy context through the voices of sector experts. We reflect on ways to champion inclusivity, exploring what co-creating energy programs mean in reality, and understanding how academics, practitioners and policymakers can embed the voices of the displaced directly into their humanitarian programming. We will go beyond a high-level dialogue of the conceptual tools to tackle these concepts with real-world applications and tangible actions that take the humanitarian sector one step closer to actively addressing the needs of the displaced.

Discover HEED's supporting opinion piece 'Down the Rabbit Hole’: Co-design and Humanitarian Energy', by Benjamin L. Robinson ahead of this event. 

Event speakers

Milan Joshi, Practical Action