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Wednesday 19 February 2020
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Dr Evronia Azer, Assistant Professor, Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University
Social Media has allowed activists to make their causes visible and network locally and trans-nationally with supporters, but posed equal threats to activists, as authoritarian states employ repressive surveillance measures. Research has shown how online visibility is part of the govern mentality of contemporary social movements. It explores the struggle between the state and activists for visibility on social media platforms, and conceptualises the paradoxes of visibility in daily practices in both sides, as the state uses surveillance to govern activists, who resist back in various ways. This is done by researching grassroots human rights groups from the Egyptian revolution, and therefore contributing to the narrative that social media has presented as many challenges as opportunities to activism, because the same tools that are used to leverage activism are also used strategically by the state to suppress activism.
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