Methodologies and tools for online professors and teachers

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Monday 30 November 2020

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Online - Microsoft Teams



Event details

The Centre for Global Learning (GLEA) invite you to an online seminar on Monday 30 November 2020. 

Professor Daniel Burgos (Visiting Professor, GLEA) will be exploring how educational technology and online methodologies are the right couple to reach a breakthrough in innovation.

Thanks to the appropriate technology in the right context with the best fit to the target audience, education can be drastically improved, meaning a better performance, competence achievement, match with the user’s expectations and with the market needs.

Serious games, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), remote labs, adaptive learning, blockchain, mobile learning and many other key technologies allow for a better explanation of so many subjects, and even more: for a complete student involvement and a full teacher engagement into the educational system.

These technologies can be integrated in online methodologies, such us collaborative, interactive, reversed (flipped), and others to boost the learner’s and the teacher’s performance and experience. Educational technology and online methodologies give another angle to the same content, provides the user with a personalised experience and pushes the limits of knowledge a little further, every time.

Event materials

Download PDF: Methodologies and tools for online professors and teachers - presentation slides

Booking information

Register to attend


For enquiries please contact the Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment