Seminar with INKE researchers

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Wednesday 30 October 2019

01:30 PM - 03:30 PM


Teaching Room, CPC, 3rd Floor Lanchester Library



Event details

Alyssa Arbuckle and Ray Siemens from The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab at the University of Victoria (UVIC) in Canada, both working on the Implementing New Knowledge Environments Project (INKE), will be visiting the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) on Wednesday 30th October. The CPC will be hosting a seminar with Ray and Alyssa as part of which they will both be delivering a talk (see titles and abstracts below) followed by informal discussion. 

Concepts and Contexts for Pragmatic Open Scholarship – Ray Siemens

This talk explores the conceptual pragmatics of open scholarship initiatives supported by the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) and the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) project in the context of the Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI). At the heart of the discussion will be a number of team-based initiatives, including a series of practicum programs in open knowledge areas, support of awards and a wikipedian-in-residence, pedagogical experimentation, and software prototyping.

Ray Siemens

Ray Siemens (U Victoria, Canada) is Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria, in English and Computer Science, and past Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing (2004-15); in 2019, he is also Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Loughborough U and Global Innovation Chair in Digital Humanities at U Newcastle (2019-22).

He is founding editor of the electronic scholarly journal Early Modern Literary Studies, and his publications include, among others, Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Humanities (2004, 2015 with Schreibman and Unsworth), Blackwell's Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2007, with Schreibman), A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (2012, 2015; MRTS/Iter & Wikibooks, with Crompton et al.), Literary Studies in the Digital Age (2014; MLA, with Price), Doing Digital Humanities (2017; Routledge, with Crompton and Lane), and The Lyrics of the Henry VIII MS (2018; RETS).

He directs the Implementing New Knowledge Environments project, the Digital Humanities Summer Institute, and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, and recently serving as a member of governing council for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, as Vice President / Director of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences (for Research Dissemination), Chair of the MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions, and Chair of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations.

Open Access to Cultural Data: From Pragmatics to Possibilities – Alyssa Arbuckle

There is an increasing amount of open access research around the world. As local, national, and international policies are rolled out this influx of open access materials is only building. Near-ubiquitous computing and an increasingly digitized scholarly record have also facilitated growing open access to research. But how can one access this material? And why should they?

"In this talk I will explore the significance of open access research for those who are working in the higher education context as well as for those who are not affiliated with a university. I will argue that open access is one component of the larger open scholarship movement, and will provide both a more theoretical engagement with the concept of open scholarship as well as some pragmatic direction on how to effectively engage with this sort of work. Based on such a foundation I will suggest that research that is presented in forms and formats that are unfindable, obscure, or opaque can limit the potential of open access to those who already know how to find and navigate scholarly material. Drawing on the work of Kathleen Fitzpatrick and Katina Rogers, I will outline ways that open access advocates can expand their focus to a wider vision of 'access.'"

Alyssa Arbuckle

Alyssa Arbuckle is the Associate Director of the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) at the University of Victoria, where she serves as the Project Manager for the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership, and is a member of the Directorial Group and the Operational Team for the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI). Alyssa is also an interdisciplinary PhD Candidate at the University of Victoria, studying open social scholarship and its implementation. She holds a BA Honours in English from the University of British Columbia and an MA in English from the University of Victoria, where her previous studies centred around digital humanities, new media, and contemporary American literature. Currently, she explores open access, digital publishing, and how we can share academic research more broadly. To this end, Alyssa's work has appeared in Digital Studies, Digital Humanities Quarterly, KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies, and Scholarly and Research Communication, among other venues, and she has co-edited a book collection and accompanying website titled Social Knowledge Creation in the Humanities.

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