Coventry University gets Gold in Green University Report 2023

Coventry University's edible herb garden.

Coventry University's edible herb garden.

University news

Thursday 26 October 2023

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Coventry University has been ranked as a Gold Tier University thanks to its green credentials which include renewable installations on campus, such as solar panels, solar thermal, and a ground source heat pump.

The Uswitch Green University Report 2023 considers Coventry University to be a leader in sustainability, with the Gold Tier standard reserved for excellent performing universities. Coventry University boasts 14 electric vehicles as part of its fleet, including 13 electric vans and one car and is also on a renewable energy tariff for its electricity.

It is very pleasing to be ranked as a Gold Tier University as it reflects the sustained and ongoing effort of our staff and students. 

While it can be challenging given the age of some of the campus and the distribution of university buildings in mainly city centre locations, being a sustainable campus is something we are passionate about and we have recently completed a substantial planning exercise to look at what would be required to move to a net carbon zero institution by the end of the current planning period of 2030. 

As part of this plan we have identified the key elements required to achieve net carbon zero and to improve sustainability while making a greener environment for staff, students and stakeholders.

Ian Marshall, Coventry University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer

The university also employs a team who are responsible for managing and coordinating sustainable development across the campuses and someone to oversee the implementation of green practices. The university offers sustainability workshops to both students and staff and runs eco-friendly initiatives such as biodiversity. 

From simple measures, such as choosing to receive their energy through renewable energy tariffs and offering recycling facilities, to implementing their own electric car fleets and installing renewable energy sources on campus. UK universities are approaching a greener way of being in a multifaceted way, understanding that every little helps when it comes to reducing carbon emissions.

Ben Gallizzi, energy expert

This is not the first time Coventry University has been recognised for its positive steps towards reducing carbon emissions as it recently won the prestigious Bees’ Needs Champions Award for its dedication to creating a biodiverse campus which consists of "bug hotels", and bird, and bat boxes, among other measures.