Like There’s No Tomorrow

Like There’s No Tomorrow
City of Culture / community

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Wednesday 19 May 2021 to Sunday 13 June 2021





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There are strange cracks appearing in the land on the other side of the world, turning habitats into wastelands and creating a new wave of climate refugees.

But no one’s worrying about that here – where a mayoral candidate is promising more, more, more. It’s what the people want. Apart from Maru that is, who can’t breathe.

As we enter Coventry’s year of culture, the Belgrade Youth Theatre present Like There’s No Tomorrow – one of the first National Theatre Connections plays to be created by young people, originally devised by Belgrade’s Young Company in March 2020. With a new and different approach, informed and shaped by the turbulent direction our lives have taken since the play was written, it asks should we still care about the earth we live on?