Five tips to remain focused during Lockdown

Date published

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Here are five great ways to keep motivated and focused while in lockdown

Lockdowns can have a series of negative affects on both motivation and mental health in general. It's important we all do what we can to stay focused to make sure we don't let lockdown take our eye off the ball.

Here are 5 great tips to make sure you stay focused during lockdown.

1. Ensure you have a clutter-free work station

It’s really important to set aside a place in your home solely for the purpose of completing assignments and/or studying. This limits distractions and increases overall productivity as you remain in a focused mindset. After all, success is often a product of your environment.

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2. Take regular breaks

As much as it's good to be productive, it's just as important to take breaks. Stepping away from your work means you come back refreshed which in return allows you to work more effectively. If you work for hours on end without a break, you are less likely to retain information and can burn yourself out.

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3. Put away your phone

Ever since we stepped into the age of social media, life has become one big distraction. In order to remain focused, put that phone away when you are working so you’re not sucked into the world of social trends and latest memes (save that for later).

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4. Get some fresh air

Even though we’re not advised to leave our homes, there's no wrong in stepping out into your garden or taking a short walk around the neighbourhood. It’s important to move your body and clear your mind as this will increase blood flow to your brain which improves your focus.

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5. Ask for help

When you find that you are unable to remain focused on your assignment/studying, get in touch with your tutor. There's nothing wrong with asking for help and after all they’re available to help you.

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These tips were produced by the Welfare and Disability team at CU London. Find out more about ways to access support from the university group.

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