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Illustration of meeting using whiteboard.

How can teacher training and CPD solve the staff retention crisis?

Catch up on our recent webinar and re-watch the panel discussion.

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Teacher at front of class talking, pupils sitting at desks.

The rise of SEND ‘magnet schools’

The long-awaited SEND review is due in the next few months. Watching closely is a cohort of schools hoping that the report will address a growing gap – one between those schools with high numbers of pupils with SEND, and those with very few.

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Four varied piles of pound coins on white table

Budget: What the £1.8bn boost means for catch-up plans

School leaders offer their thoughts on the Budget's extra catch-up funding and how it can help - and what more was needed.

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Two male teachers sat at desk.

How to be a great mentor to an early career teacher

Mentoring is more important than ever when it comes to a new teacher's success, writes Geraint Jones as he shares his advice.

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girl drawing on white board in classroom.

Rookie Teachers quitting first year

Rookie teachers are quitting before the end of their first year in class over pay and too much work, study shows.

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School pupils sat at exam desks during test.

A-level and GCSE grades should be determined by more than stressful end-of-course exams

When mental health is at the forefront of policy, what is the impact of so-called ‘terminal exams’ on young people who do not respond well to the pressure?

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