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Dr Roman Puchkov

Principal Lecturer (Quality and Partners)


Roman is a Principal Lecturer with responsibilities for quality assurance and international partners at the School of Management at Coventry University London. He has more than 15 years of teaching on and leading courses in business management, HRM and organisational behaviour subject areas as well as academic leadership roles at Birkbeck University of London, the University of Suffolk and Wrexham Glyndwr University. He also gained academic work experience internationally with the University of Nicosia in Cyprus and as an invited lecturer on MBA Executive Leadership courses in China, Kazakhstan, Russia and Qatar.

Roman worked with MNCs, public sector and think tanks to establish transformative models of change which includes progression in senior strategic management roles and responsibilities, especially in maritime sector and energy industry. With his unique combination of expertise in economic development and organisational behaviour, Roman has been vocal in designing and delivering training models including simulation, role plays and social constructivism using advanced learning technology and VLEs.

Prior joining academia, in 2003-2008 Roman worked for UK Government Department for International Development (UKAid, now part of UK FCDO) where he was responsible for managing multi-million aid and policy advice projects focusing on energy, economic reform and civil service reform in transition economies. Roman started his career back in 1998 in a management consultancy in UK, White Young Green International, working closely with the World Bank, IMF and private clients in restructuring mining enterprises.

Roman is a Senior Fellow member of UK AdvanceHE and numerous professional organisations. He is research active with a proven record of publications and often invited as keynote speaker at international and national conferences.


  • PhD in Industrial Economics, Moscow State Mining Univeristy, Russia, 2003
  • MSc in International Human Resource Management, London South Bank Univeristy, 2009
  • BA (Hons) in Economics with the European Union Studies, the Univeristy of Nottingham, 1998
  • PgCert in Counselling Skills, the Univeristy of Westminster, 2022

Professional and Industry Membership

  • Fellow Member of HE Advance (formerly HEA), UK
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
  • Member of the Chartered Management Institute, UK
  • Member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, USA

Research and Consultancy

Roman has been working as a consultant for international organisations, corporations and government bodies in area of economic regional development, public sector and civil service reform and change management for the past 15 years. Examples of his most recent consultancy involvement are:

  • Leadership development programme in partnership with UK Association of British Ports and the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce to provide leadership and management development training for those moving into supervisory positions;
  • Development of Competency Frameworks for Kazatomprom JSC, a national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the import and export of uranium, to increase clarity around performance expectations and establish a clear link between individual and organisational performance
  • Ethnicity and Poverty in Malawi to analyse the employment and earning benefits of education for different ethnic groups, funded by UNDP;
  • State Budget Reform in Russia to implement improvements in Public Expenditure Management (PEM) in regional finances, funded by the European Commission;

Roman’s research interests are in global economic and energy consumption crises as non-parametric systems. His several publications in this area attribute to establishing correlation between energy consumption and economic growth rate, population growth rate, wealth levels and PCI. He also developed interest in non-linear processes in work psychology such as grief and dynamic behavioural patterns in organisational context.

Publications and Scholarship Activities

  • Puchkov R., Gerhardt T. (2023), Preparing for the Future: Understanding collective grief through the lens of the Kubler-Ross crisis cycle, Education, Skills and Work-based Learning Journal, Vol 13, No 5. pp. 983-1008, London.
  • Puchkov R., Shiraz N. (2021), Are economic crises subject to the laws of physics rather than economics? Critical review of the existing literature on econophysics and related studies, The Market: International Business Journal, Volume II, CIM, Nicosia.
  • Puchkov L., Puchkov R. (2020), Global Energy Consumption as a Dependant Variable: Comparative Country Analysis Affected by Coronavirus, Journal of European Economic Association, Wiley-Blackwell, Cambridge, MA (upcoming).
  • Puchkov, R. (2015), Sustainable Energy Consumption as Basis of Sustainable Global Development, Sustainable Development of Mining Territories, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 9-16, Moscow.
  • Puchkov, R (2014), Global Energy Consumption in Global Economic Development, Energy Policy, Issue 5, pp.12-19, Moscow.
  • Puchkov R., Salimov S. (2014),Cross Functional Team Cooperation in New Product Development in UK Higher Education, Glyndwr University, London.
  • Puchkov R. (2005), Donor Alignment Strategy: Lessons and Challenges for Aid Recipients, DFID, London.
  • Puchkov R. (2004), DFID Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Russia, DFID, London.
  • Puchkov R., Shek V.M (2002), Methods of Accounting of Mineral Resources, Mining Science and Technology, Proceedings of the 99th International Symposium on Mining Science and Technology, editors: H. Xie, T. Golosinski, Beijing, pp. 795-797.
  • Puchkov R. (2002), Economic Justification of Efficient Scenarios of Investment Distribution in Russia Coal Mines. Mining Bulletin, Issue 12, pp.28-34.
  • Puchkov R. (2001), Western Expansion of Religion in Russia: Some Observations for 1990s. Mining Bulletin, Issue 10, pp.34-38, Moscow.

Portrait of Roman Puchkov

The Queen's Award for Enterprise
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023