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Aycin Demir

Senior Lecturer and Course Director (BSc (Hons) Global Marketing)


Aycin is the course director of the BSc Global Marketing course. In this role, she is responsible for leading the teaching team in enhancing the student experience, and providing oversight to the students to excel their student journey with CULC.

Aycin also lectures and leads on various modules in Marketing. She is currently the module leader for– Marketing Communications, Contemporary Digital Landscape, Digital Marketing, and Digital Marketing Disruptions. Aycin has also been involved in consultancy and research projects with undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers from other universities around the world.


  • PhD in Management, University of Southampton, UK, ongoing
  • PGCert Associate Fellowship, University of Southampton, UK, 2019
  • Masters in Advertising and Marketing, Leeds University, UK, 2013
  • Bachelor's in Business Administration, Tobb ETU, Ankara, Turkey, 2008

Research and Consultancy

Aycin has been involved with academic and market research since 2007. She had worked with several start-ups and SMEs in Turkey and the UK, as a consultant.

Research Interests: Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, User Experience, Consumer Attitudes, Video Marketing, Branding

Current Research Project: The Effects of Prior Brand Attitude, Appraisal, and Emotion on the Success of Viral Video Advertisement

Publications and Scholarship Activities

  • Demir, M., Demir, A. G., & Demir, A. (2019). The relationship between body image and loneliness among Turkish university students. 7th Teaching Education Conference, 21 - 24 May 2019, London.
  • Demir, M., Demir, A. G., & Demir, A. (2018). Academic Procrastination and Decision Making Styles. 5th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Science, 7 – 9 December 2018, Barcelona.
The Queen's Award for Enterprise
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023