Fashion Students Visit Paris

Publication Year / 2013 / Categories / Student

Thursday 13 June 2013

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Group of fashion students

30 of our MBA International Fashion Management and MSc International Fashion Marketing recently visited Paris for four days. These students who had already gained a thorough knowledge of the London Fashion scene through their studies at Coventry University London Campus, were given the chance to experience at first-hand the industry in another major fashion capital of the world.   They were given the opportunity to compare luxury brands within different retail environments of standalone, department and concept stores and also shadowed design students from the Coventry campus who were buying materials for their final year projects.

“This trip was vital for our students’ experience and learning, as not only did they get a chance to attend the International Textile Show and Pierre Cardin Museum, they were also able to compare the fashion industry in Paris to that of London.”, Ella Sharp, Fashion Tutor, Coventry University London Campus