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Bursary Terms and Conditions

CU London

These Terms and Conditions apply to bursaries and/or scholarships awarded by CU London in connection with the CU London Bursary Plan 2017/2018.

1. Definitions

1.1 “Academic Year” means the CU London’s year of academic study

1.2 “Award” means an award made to a Recipient pursuant to the Scheme

1.3 “Bursary” means the applicable Award made by CU London under the Scheme

1.4 “Leave of Absence” means the temporary withdrawal of a Student from CU London (including for reason of pregnancy or on other medical or personal grounds), such withdrawal being approval by the CU London in accordance with its rules relating to withdrawal of students. The rules relating to student withdrawals can be found at Academic and General Regulations.

1.5 “Scheme” means CU London’s bursary fund 2017/2018

1.6 “SLC” means Student Loans Company

1.7 “SLC agency” refers to Student Finance England (SFE), Student Finance NI, Student Finance Wales, and the Students Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)

1.8 “Recipient” means an individual or organisation that is eligible for a bursary under the Scheme.

1.9 “CU London” means Coventry University College Limited t/a CU London, whose company registration number is 07781274 and whose registered office is at Alan Berry Building, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB.

2. Award

2.1 Whenever CU London agrees to make an Award to a Recipient the terms and conditions set out herein shall apply unless otherwise expressly excluded in whole or in part

3. Eligibility

3.1 The Recipient’s eligibility to receive the Award is determined on the basis of evidence supplied directly to CU London in the appropriate application form provided by CU London through which applications for bursaries/scholarships are to be received. CU London reserves the right to decline any application that is not made using the application form.

4. Payment

4.1 Payment of the Award shall be made according to the Recipient’s eligibility in one of the following ways:

4.1.1 in respect of the CU London Club., each Award made shall be paid to the school;

4.1.2 in respect of the CU London Student Awards, each Award made shall be used to pay for prizes or to purchase the resources identified in the application;

4.1.3 in respect of the CU London Teaching Awards, each Award made shall be used to pay for prizes or to purchase the resources identified in the application;

4.1.4 in respect of the Unifrog (or similar software) Awards, each Award made shall be used to purchase appropriate resources (e.g. software, hardware on which to operate software) as set out in the application; and

4.1.5 in respect of the CU London Open Bursary Fund, successful applicants will receive the Award in the form of a reduction to their tuition fees payable for the 2018/2019 academic year of their course of study.

4.2 Any Bursary awarded by CU London must be applied to the Award for which the Bursary is made and cannot be used for any other purpose. No alternative award or payment will be made available by CU London under the Scheme.

4.3 CU London reserves the right to withhold payment of all or part of an Award in the event a Recipient has failed to pay the balance of any tuition fees for the Academic Year (or failed to make arrangement for such payment acceptable to CU London) in connection with a course of study that a Recipient is registered on following a successful application for an Award. 


4.4 Each application must state whether the request for funding is inclusive of VAT. Payment of VAT (where applicable) will remain the responsibility of the Recipient.

5. Termination

5.1 Where an Award is made to support attendance of a course of study at CU London, in any of the circumstances set out in this clause below the Award shall be withdrawn and CU London shall not apply the Award:

5.1.1 the Recipient permanently leaves CU London due to illness (whether or not following a leave of absence);

5.1.2 the Recipient leaves CU London voluntarily for reasons other than illness;

5.1.3 the Recipient is required to withdraw from CU London pursuant to disciplinary or fitness proceedings; or

5.1.4 the Recipient otherwise fails to complete satisfactorily the requirements of the programme of study.

6. Leave of Absence

6.1 In the event that a Recipient takes, or is required to take, Leave of Absence during the Academic Year any payments otherwise due to the Recipient pursuant to the clause 4.1 above shall be suspended until such time as the Recipient has re-registered

6.2 Upon re-registering the Recipient will receive the benefit of any Bursary due from the Academic Year when the Leave of Absence was taken

6.3 If the Recipient fails to return to CU London after such Leave of Absence then the provisions of clause 5 above will apply

7. Miscellaneous

7.1 The Award will remain valid notwithstanding the Recipient transferring to another course or programme of study at CU London provided that any increase in tuition fees incurred as a result of the change of course (e.g. because the new course costs more than the course originally applied for) will be borne by the Recipient.

7.2 A Recipient in receipt of the Award who is required to repeat the Academic Year will not be eligible to receive a further Award in respect of the repeated year unless there are exceptional extenuating circumstances approved by CU London.

7.3 A Recipient in receipt of an Award may be eligible to receive any other scholarships or bursaries offered from time to time by CU London.

7.4 The decision in respect of the application of Awards shall rest solely with CU London. Any decision made by CU London shall be final and may not be challenged by any applicants. In the event that an applicant wishes to make any complaint in connection with the Scheme, complaints should be submitted in writing and sent to Complaints and Compliments.

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