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Students visit Bloomberg in Dubai and New York

Students at the London Campus took part in trips to New York and Dubai this month as part of extra-curricular field trip activities. Undergraduate students were accompanied by BA (Hons) Global Business Management Programme Leader for Year 1, Yvonne Brown. In Dubai, students were able to visit the Emirates Aviation University, as well as the Bloomberg offices and four different locations of the Hilton Hotel.

In New York, students went on a Tour of Wall Street as well as embarked on a visit to the Bloomberg Headquarters.

Senior Information Assistant, Holly Nicholas who accompanied students on the trip said:

‘Going to Bloomberg was the highlight of the trip; we have Bloomberg terminals in our Trading floor at the London Campus. For the students it was really fantastic to see the modern offices and to gain a further insight into the company behind the technology which has a big part in the education of some of our students’

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