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MPs visit the London Campus for EU Referendum Debate

On Wednesday 11th May, UK200 Group, an association of Lawyer and Chartered Accountancy firms, launched its Campaign for Clarity, by holding an EU referendum debate at Coventry University London Campus. Three parliamentarians and a lobbyist debated their ‘Leave’ or ‘Remain’ positions to an audience of Small Medium Enterprise (SME) executives, UK200 member firms’ partners, and selected students and academics at the London Campus.

The debaters were David Davis MP, and Douglas Carswell MP who represented the ‘Leave’ campaign, and Yvette Cooper MP and Lucy Thomas who represented the ‘Remain’ campaign. All debaters were moderated by futurist Dr James Bellini who posed questions to the speakers and selected students from the London Campus to ask the debaters their questions.

UK200 Group comprises Lawyer and Chartered Accountancy firms, that for thirty years have enjoyed the economies of scale and scope afforded by an association of 150 member offices, 70 overseas links, 500 partners, and 150,000 SME and entrepreneurial business clients.

Charles I. Nwobinwajiaku and Karen Lugun who are both studying MBA Global Business were interviewed by media outlet ‘London Live’.

Charles said:

“Having had the opportunity to network with various representatives of firms, business professionals and media correspondents, I’ve actually contacted some of these companies to follow up with internship requests. They have all been really responsive and positive and there’s a few potential opportunities which I’ve been put forward for as a result”.

Karen was also thrilled about attending the event:

“It helped me to see how people debate, as part of my MBA Global Business Programme I often have to debate topics with my peers, so this was a great learning opportunity”.

 The event with UK200 and the visiting lobbyist and MPs is just one example of networking events at the University that students have access to. In order to make business ready graduates; the London Campus is proud to provide it students with opportunities to involve them with business professionals.

 As a result, Coventry University London Campus and UK200 are looking at ways to develop a deeper relationship in which UK200 business professionals coach London Campus students and give guidance to students looking to develop their skills as business professionals.


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