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High Flyers create short film documenting their time at the London Campus

The High Flyers of April 2016 celebrated the end of their programme with a celebration at the London Campus where after various presentations, they premiered of ‘High Flyers News’, a 26 minute student-created film which documented their journey throughout the last nine weeks. The production included motivational speeches, comedic skits and an interview with Head of Alumni & External Relations, Carole Still Relations and Teaching Fellow Lin Su.

In the video, students were given snippets of advice and feedback from Carole and Lin. Carole gave some keen words of advice to this cohort of High Flyers: 

“Our students have massive potential, after all they wouldn’t be on the High Flyers programme if we hadn’t already seen the potential in them. The High Flyer programme is self-selecting in terms of students putting themselves forward for it, but it is a very competitive programme and so only those students who really do show their level of commitment and their enthusiasm for grooming themselves are the ones that get selected.

“I would say to the High Flyers, that your only limitation are those that you put on yourself, free yourself from limitations and there is nothing that you cannot do!”

However the tables were shortly turned after the High Flyers in a comedic skit, evaluated the Programme Leader for High Flyers, James Terzeon calling him ‘amazing’, ‘motivating ‘and above all, ‘fantastic’.

Reflecting on the High Flyers programme, students said:

“We are now leaders thanks to High Flyers. Now it’s time show how we as leaders can lead, motivate and influence others” - Linh, Vietnam

“This programme has showed us who we are, where we want to go and shown us how to get there” - Yash, India 

High Flyer Programme Leader James Terzeon said:

“The High Flyers are a fantastic bunch of students who were selected on their performance both in their applications and from feedback from the Academic Team. The film really highlights some of the best times students have the London Campus. I really would urge you to watch it and see what a great effort they have made”.

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