Coventry University up 13 places in 2014 Guardian league table

Publication Year / 2013 / Categories / Achievement

Thursday 20 June 2013

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Coventry University has made another leap up the league tables with a rise of 13 places in the Guardian University Guide 2014 national rankings, marking the institution out as the number one modern university in the UK.

The latest strong performance in the league table sees the University claim 33rd spot overall – its highest ever position – and it ranks in the country's top 20 for the quality of teaching as rated by students in last year's National Student Survey (NSS).

Coventry also excels in several more of the Guardian guide's key measures, including NSS feedback – which indicates how happy final year students are with the quality of feedback and assessment by lecturers – and the added value score, which compares individual degree results against entry qualifications to highlight how the University is helping its students to improve.

For the NSS feedback score the University is joint 7th in the UK – equal with Cambridge, which tops the overall table – and in the subject tables for business and management, the university is 12th place.