Business simulation event a resounding success with students

Publication Year / Categories / Student

Tuesday 09 February 2016

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Final year BA (Hons) Global Business Management students undertook the Live Business Challenge as part of their Employability and Career Development module. The challenge was to create a business simulation in order to create a profitable business. In doing so, students were able to apply theory to practical knowledge. They were able to experience how profit is made, how cash flow is affected and how each individual can make a difference. In a highly competitive environment, teams navigated through the monthly sales and delivery cycles and focussed on the decisions that impact the financial success of the business.

Yvonne Browne, Module Leader said

 “The students were able to apply all the employability skills they had learnt during the term, such as time management, team work and problem solving and gained a good insight into what it take to work in a business environment. Initially unsure what experience to expect during the simulation, soon the students were pleading for additional rounds as the competition and excitement built.”

Wale Adeyemi, Strategy Module Leader said

“Students were able to reflect on how much they had learnt from the first round. They were able to adapt their techniques into the second round to improve their performance and profitability. The simulation provoked a continued thirst for learning and the competitive element of the experience really brought out the student capabilities and determination to dig deep to achieve better results as each round progressed.”

The Live Business Challenge is just one of many ways the London Campus endeavours to improve and enhance students’ learning. Through application of theoretical knowledge in practical situations, students are able to enrich their business knowledge.