British Malaysian Society presents Jumpstart Your Career

Publication Year / 2018 / Categories / Business

Wednesday 14 November 2018

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On Saturday 3rd November, Coventry University London hosted “Jumpstart Your Career” with the British Malaysian Society (BMS), in partnership with GenCorporate and AMEU. The event was opened by Professor Madya Dr Shafie Bin Mohamed Zabri, Director of Education Malaysia within the Malaysian High Commission.  

The British Malaysian Society, chaired by accountant and Queen’s representative Mei Sim Lai FCCA, OBE, is a bilateral friendship based society promoting business, education and cultural relations between the UK and Malaysia. GenCorporate and AMEU are student driven organisations based in the Malaysian High Commission. Together, they worked with the British Malaysian Society and Coventry University London to bring together a range of distinguished speakers from the legal, financial, consultancy and entrepreneurship arenas, including Potters Clarkson LLP, Macfarlane LLP, State Street Global Advisors, Crowe UK and KPMG. 

The speakers shared their own career progressions and provided insights and tips to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in business. Particular focus was given to developing CVs and understanding the psychology of becoming the preferred candidate at interviews, delivered by our Head of Skills, Carole Still. The afternoon concluded with networking and light Malaysian snacks provided by BMS.