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Eugenia Boadi's story

Eugenia Boadi

MBA in Global Business 2019-2020

Eugenia Boadi has recently completed her MBA in Global Business. Eugenia is a passionate advocate for student self-learning and development and really made the most of all of the opportunities available to students at Coventry University London. She has shared some of her favourite moments of her time here, and her top tips to make the most out of the Coventry University London experience.

Student Eugenia on London campus.

“I heard about Coventry University London through my little brother, as he was already studying in the UK. The main thing which drew my attention and attracted me to study here was the fantastic opportunity to complete a Professional Development Simulation.

“Being in the heart of London had such an impact on my experience, as each time you walk down the street you are inspired by all of the businesses that are around. Every day you see something new – there’s a street market, a coffee shop that’s different from what you know, there’s always new things opening up. There are a lot of activities in London too which you can be part of so being in the centre of it all made it really easy to access.

“I’m incredibly appreciative of the people I met at Coventry University London; the teachers, the friends I have made and the network I have built. The Professional Development Simulation and the High Flyers programme opened me up to a different network that I didn’t find in my classroom. Coventry University London gives you the opportunity to network with people even after the course has finished which I am so appreciative of.

“As I was sitting in my classes, I would always try to apply what I was learning to my life. Iin the Leading in Change module, I thought about what does and doesn’t fit in terms of my personal life, my professional life or my social life – it allowed me to see my strengths and weaknesses and what management skills I found useful. You can gain knowledge anywhere, but the soft skills that you can’t get from a book, I learnt at Coventry University London.

“Whatever your reason is for wanting to study at Coventry University London, be aware of that reason but don’t hold on too much to it – be open to everything because once you are open and curious you get so much more from your experience. When I arrived I spoke to the Talent team and asked questions. I was also a student ambassador and a student rep which opens avenues for you to learn, meet new people and gain new opportunities.

“My fondest memories are from the time I spent in High Flyers, the Professional Development Simulation and the ‘Leading through Change’ module. The teaching is so current and the people I met through these opportunities have inspired me so much. I am incredibly proud to now be working with the Professional Development Simulation external partner Dragon Learning, to help convert these simulations for online delivery.”

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