Sustainability Involvement
At Coventry University we know that our students and staff are our most important assets: it is through them that the majority of our positive environmental impacts occur, but they also have many opportunities to help us reduce our negative impacts.
Green Week
Each year Coventry University holds a Green Week which is run in partnership with the University of Warwick and a variety of internal and external groups. Green Week allows students, staff and the community to participate in events and allows the university to promote positive sustainable behaviour both on campus and in day-to-day life alongside celebrating the environment and raising awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2024, 18 events were held across the Green Week partnership.
Student Representation
Students are encouraged to participate in sustainability at Coventry University through the Sustainability Operating Group, the Ethical Investment Group, the Fairtrade Steering Group and the Education for Sustainable Development Steering Group. These groups directly inform policy and practice on these topics and through these students can input into the overall direction of sustainable development in the group.
Further information about student representation on our Board of Governors and Committees can be found here.
Staff Champions
All staff members across Coventry University have the opportunity to become a part of our Staff Champion network. Champions can join the Staff Champion Yammer Group (internal access only) where good ideas and practices can be shared between staff members. Staff Champion meetings are held at least four times a year and in 2023/2024 we saw staff from across The Group attend meetings and discussions on waste, travel and the Sustainable Development Strategy.
Through this network we are continually improving staff access to sustainability procedures, resources and toolbox talk training. In 2023 and 2024 Staff Champions have been able to access Carbon Literacy training which is being rolled out across the group, along with Environmental Compliance and Spill Prevention training.
Supporting student learning and projects
We actively encourage students to gain hands on experience in sustainability through interacting with the campus and sustainability activities taking place at the university. Examples include the Engineering and Computing Building (ECB) acting as a ‘living lab’ with exposed services and renewable technologies to act as demonstrators. Other projects have included Energy MSc Students reviewing energy utilisation and reduction opportunities, Environmental Management students auditing the university, and student teams reviewing our contribution to Sustainable Development Goals. We also recruit student ambassadors to gain experience in sustainability communications and events throughout the year.
Find out about the Launch project and its funding opportunities for students on the CU Social Enterprise page.
Induction and welcome
Sustainability is included within the induction process for all new staff and covers how staff can participate in sustainability activities including the staff champions network and shares key information including our policy and strategy.
Students receive a welcome welcome information through accommodation and welcome fairs which includes our leaflet Sustainability at Coventry University as well as access to our Introduction to Sustainability at Coventry University video, Sustainable Development Strategy and policy.
Accommodation Recycling and Energy Reduction Scheme
Coventry University in 2023/2024 ran a scheme which supported students living in accommodation to live more sustainably. The scheme provided students with information about recycling, reducing energy and general steps towards living more sustainably. This was promoted through different competitions and enabled students to engage with the sustainability performance of their accommodation block.
Sustainable Labs
A Green Lab Committee has been set up by technical and academic teams working in the Alison Gingell building to improve the sustainability of our laboratories. The group was formed in March 2021 and is working on identifying ways to make the laboratories within the building operate more sustainably. This work has also led to Alison Gingell’s Lab+ winning awards in the International Freezer Challenge in both 2021 and 2022.
Local Community Projects
At the university, we know we have a huge impact on the success of our city. With that comes a responsibility to maximise our positive impact on society (whether economic, social, environmental or cultural) and continue to support the development of sustainable cities and communities. We engage with the public through community-based research, events and lectures, student and staff volunteering and community-facing programmes specifically developed to meet a local need or knowledge gap.
For further information read our Engagement Plan.
To learn more about the Staff Champion Network and to view the induction and welcome videos please log into the Student Portal and Staff Portal.